RPG Maker Games #rpgm

Games Total: 22

We wanted to share with you a collection dedicated to RPG Maker Games as we are such huge fans of this. No matter if you want to use one of the releases to make your own RPGs or if you want to experience a game that was made with the engine, you will find that right here on this list. One of the things that we feel is cool about this is that many people have played a game that is built with one of the various releases and are then inspired themselves to try and make their own game.

While there have been many releases over the years, we felt that the best place to start our RPG Maker Games collection was with RPG Maker VX Ace. If you are a fan of the original Dragon Warrior on the original NES or perhaps one of the 16-bit entries like the awesome, Dragon Quest VI which was released on the Super Nintendo. You need to check this out, they ramped up the FPS for this one and many people say that this is perfect if you want to try and make one of those old school Dragon Quest style JRPGs. You can get very creative with this and build the old school RPG of your dreams thanks to it.

One of the most popular RPG Maker Games has to be RPG Maker MV. This is one that people flipped out over when it was first released. With the improved engine that this release provided, gamers were able to get a bit more intricate with their RPG game design. Think of classics like Earthbound or if you want to get a bit more advanced, something like Golden Sun which was released for the Game Boy Advance. With a bit of patience and a lot of creativity, those are the types of games that you can aspire to make with this amazing engine!

While the MV release was seen as a bit of a game changer when it came to RPG Maker Games, they were not done as shortly after that they released the awesome, RPG Maker MZ. This built upon what they did before adding in some much requested features such as auto saving and a clever use of tiles for people to actually build their games with. No matter if you want to make something with deep gameplay mechanics such as Final Fantasy Tactics or if you want to make something with a bit more whimsy like Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, this engine is going to give you all the tools you need to try and do that.

We wanted to suggest a few RPG Maker Games that were actually built with the engine so you can see just how versatile it is. For you guys that love horror, we highly recommend that you play, Omori. This game has a fantastic story and it will certainly send shivers down your spine as you play it all the way to the end. This is also a great showcase of just how creative you can get when using RPG Maker as this looks and plays just as good as any other major title. In sticking with the horror theme, Corpse Party is another great example of how horror and RPG Maker can be mixed together.

Mixing puzzles, exploration, and a great story, Oneshot is one of the highest reviewed RPG Maker Games ever! This is just such a captivating game and shows just how good this engine is when it is in the right hands. If you want an RPG that has a truly amazing story that is going to captivate you right from the start, To The Moon is a game that you will never forget. With a deep and engaging story, this game is something that is going to stick with you for quite a while after you have gotten to the end of it. This is another great example of talented people using this engine to make something very special.

What people have been doing with this over the years is nothing short of stunning! RPG Maker Games have allowed people from all walks of life to make games and some have even made an amazing career out of it! From playing the games to actually making them, have fun checking these epic titles out!

Best 20 RPG Maker Games

Viewing games 1 to 22 (of 22 games)

Dragon Warrior

Dragon Quest role-playing games are responsible for kids skipping school and breaking into stores just to get their hands on the latest DQ game.