Activision Games

Viewing games 151 to 178 (of 178 games)

The Simpsons Wrestling

Aliens from another planet have challenged Springfield to a wrestling match! As unbelievable as it sounds, it is not another story from I. P. Freely or one of his friends.

Sega Bass Fishing

The sun rises across the lake; the fetid scent of bait wafts though the air.

Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions

As far as racing games go, I'm a pretty traditional sort of fellow. Give me something with lots of speed, or great handling, in a setting that's either realistic or sci-fi, and you've got a happy camper here.

Ghostbusters 2

Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, threatens to bite the Big Apple.

Hexen II: Portal of Praevus

Following the defeat of Eidolon, Thyrion enjoys a time of peace until an unexplained winter comes upon the lands.

Shanghai Triple-Threat

Shanghai has always been a decent mind-boggler.

Call to Power II

When Activision lost the developer behind Civilization 2, but maintained the right to the name, they decided to release Civilization: Call to Power.

Quake Mission Pack 2: The Dissolution of Eternity

Your journey has led you down a path of no return. The acrid smell of death fills the air. And you know that the road ahead may surely lead to your grave.

The Three Stooges

This breakthrough comedy hit stars television and movie legends Curly, Larry and Moe.

Star Trek: Hidden Evil

Deep inside an unusual sector of Federation space called the briar patch, lies the homeworld of the Ba'ku people.

Pitfall 32X

A side-scroller in which you play adventurer Pitfall Harry Jr in search of his father Pitfall Harry.
Sega Genesis

Sky Odyssey

Activision invites you to take to the sky in an addictive, action-packed flightsimulation that will test your piloting skills and nerves to their limits.


Based on the English marionette TV show of the 60’s, Activision’s newest title is a vertically scrolling action game full of battle sequences set in the air, under water, and even inside a live volcano.

Tony Hawk Downhill Jam

Imagine racing through a busy city street, jumping on rails and grinding out tricks in order to increase your boost power.

Interstate 82

Styles have changed, music has changed, auto vigilantism has changed.

Grand Tour Racing '98

Racing games seem to be the current rage and everyone is looking for a way to make their game roar ahead of the pack.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force Expansion Pack

The Expansion Pack's main feature happens to also be its weakest one. I can't imagine any but the most hardcore Trekkies enjoying the pointless, plotless, seemingly endless Virtual Voyager option.